
Showing posts with the label BEAUTY PAPUA


DISTRICT ASMAT 2011  AGATS - KABUPATEN ASMAT 2011 Asmat regency is one of 20 County District Expansion in Papua , Asmat is famous for its unique art and culture without carving designs on paper and has a world-renowned cultural distinctiveness for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Indonesia region . Support Asmat Cultural Festival is an arts and cultural activities featuring a variety of Papuan cultural attractions of several districts in Papua , where the festival will be a mainstay tourist attractions to attract tourists . Along with the growth of new district division ( Asmat) is the effect of development in all sectors with an emphasis on sustainable development in all fields, especially the tourism priorities in order to realize the quality of local human resources are so far behind. The festival is held in support of the Government to increase tourist visits to Indonesia through the " Wonderfull I

INDONESIA border with Papua New Guinea / Perbatasan Papua - Papua Nugini

@Sentani Lake-Festival Danau Sentani 2011-Papua Indonesia The border Papua New Guinea with Papua Indonesia Skouw Military Post Papua - Papua Nugini

trip to Papua Indonesia

with Jerome Rivet ; journaliste chez AFP ; Indonésie Media Production at Tablanusu Village Papua at Sentani Lake Jayapura Papua Romeo M. Gacad is a Filipino veteran photojournalist and a three-time Pulitzer Prize nominee whose works have appeared on the cover of various international publications including Time and Newsweek magazines. He is the chief photographer for the Manila bureau of Agence France-Presse (AFP), the world's oldest established news agency.


AGATS - KABUPATEN ASMAT 2011 Kabupaten Asmat merupakan salah satu Kabupaten Pemekaran dari 20 Kabupaten di Provinsi Papua, Asmat terkenal dengan keunikan seni dan budaya mengukir tanpa desain diatas kertas dan memiliki kekhasan budaya terkenal di dunia bagi wisatwan domestic maupun manca negara untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia kawasan Timur. Dukungan Festival Budaya Asmat merupakan kegiatan seni dan budaya Papua yang menampilkan beragam atraksi budaya dari beberapa Kabupaten di Papua, dimana festival ini akan menjadi atraksi pariwisata andalan untuk menarik minat kunjungan wisatawan. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan pemekaran Kabupaten baru (Asmat) merupakan pengaruh pembangunan pada semua sektor dengan penekanan pada pembangunan yang berkelanjutan disemua bidang khususnya pariwisata yang prioritas guna mewujudkan kualitas sumber daya manusia setempat yang sangat tertinggal. Festival ini diadakan dalam rangka mendukung Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan ke Indonesia melalui p

Festival Budaya Asmat Kembali Digelar

Festival Budaya Asmat Kembali Digelar Festival Budaya Asmat kembali akan digelar. Penyelenggaraan Festival Budaya Asmat ke-26 tahun ini akan dilaksanakan di Lapangan Yos Sudarso, Kabupaten Asmat, Provinsi Papua pada 20-25 Oktober 2011.

The Beauty of Papua

The Jakarta Post Publication Date : 24-06-2011 Papuan tribesmen performing a ceremonial dance with drums during the Lake Sentani Festival close to the city of Jayapura, located in Indonesia's eastern Papua province The five-day annual festival is a celebration of Papua's diverse ethnic culture and heritage while at the same time give hommage to Papua's largest pristine lake that is a source of food and livelihood to the population. ROMEO GACAD/AFP With little fanfare, Jayapura Regent Hebel Melkias Suwae is expected to close the five-day Sentani Lake Festival on Thursday. The fourth annual event seems to have only attracted foreign tourists rather than from those from our own soil.