GASING MAKASSAR MAGGASING ATAU AKGASING A. Peranannya Makgasing adalah penamaan dalam bahasa Bugis sedangkan orang Makassar menamainya akgasing yang dalam bahasa Indonesia umumnya dikenal dengan bermain gasing. Penamaan permainan ini bersumber dari peralatan pokok yang digunakan dalam bermain yaitru gasing. B. Peristiwa, Suasana dan Waktu Bermain Permainan gasing dapat dilakukan dipagi atau sore hari sebagai pengisi waktu senggang, juga diikut sertakan pada upacara-upacara pesta panen. Selain berfungsi sebagai sekedar permainan juga biasanya bersifat kompetitif dan dijadikan sarana pertaruhan. Menimbulkan suasana kegemberiaan dan juga senantiasa tegang, karena masing-masing pemain berusaha untuk memenangkan permainan.
DISTRICT ASMAT 2011 AGATS - KABUPATEN ASMAT 2011 Asmat regency is one of 20 County District Expansion in Papua , Asmat is famous for its unique art and culture without carving designs on paper and has a world-renowned cultural distinctiveness for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Indonesia region . Support Asmat Cultural Festival is an arts and cultural activities featuring a variety of Papuan cultural attractions of several districts in Papua , where the festival will be a mainstay tourist attractions to attract tourists . Along with the growth of new district division ( Asmat) is the effect of development in all sectors with an emphasis on sustainable development in all fields, especially the tourism priorities in order to realize the quality of local human resources are so far behind. The festival is held in support of the Government to increase tourist visits to Indonesia through the " Wonderfull I...
Gasing Bambu Yogyakarta Bamboo top Yogyakarta Yogyakarta society calls with a top game gangsingan gasingnya while they called gangsing . Type tops contained in Yogyakarta can be grouped into three parts, the top fights at , top round and top penalty shootout sound . The materials used to make the tops can be of various kinds such as wood , bamboo , bamboo kind of leopard , nyamplung fruit , coconut shell , wood dhadhap bluwuk ( young coconut ) PVC pipe even from biscuit tins, paint cans , glue
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