RRWU88ER92WZ LEGUGAM Festival is a traditional festival activities to commemorate the anniversary of the People's Sultan of Ternate and has historically been a manifestation of regional cultures performed as a traditional mores Kie Raha Moluccas (Maluku) involving the kingdom / empire as indigenous social institutions. Festival Event LEGU GAM into a celebration every year, especially at the anniversary of the Sultan of Ternate were carried out on a large scale at 5 (five) years and until now entering year 8 (eight) in the year 2010 at each event execution is always performed in April. Implementation LEGU GAM but to celebrate the anniversary of the Sultan of Ternate, also intended to preserve and introduce the culture and customs of the young kegerasi in efforts to attract tourists. In organizing Legu Gam year has managed to suck the public interest as well as being interesting spectacle for the people of North Maluku and tourists. Currently LEGU Festival GAM has...