What and How Gasing Indonesia Apa dan Bagaimana Gasing Nusantara ? Spinner is a form of traditional folk games that are widely known throughout the archipelago . All regions in the Indonesian archipelago generally have this game . That is why , the Indonesian nation multiethnic society , made up of various ethnic groups known to share these types of games tops . The origin and spread the game chronologically in the archipelago is not known with certainty. Historical data in the form of ancient texts and archaeological data , both artifacts and non- artifacts of the game has not been found , so it is difficult to uncover the history and spread of the game tops in the archipelago for sure . Gasing adalah salah satu bentuk permainan rakyat yang bersifat tradisional yang telah dikenal secara luas di seluruh pelosok Nusantara. Semua daerah yang ada di wilayah kepulauan Indonesia umumnya memiliki permainan ini. Itula...
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