
Gebyar Wisata Nusantara, Ajang Promosi

JAKARTA, — Ratusan kabupaten/kota di Tanah Air yang mempunyai daya tarik wisata yang unik dan menarik, mulai Kamis (4/6) di Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, kemarin melakukan promosi wisata dalam acara bertajuk Gebyar Wisata Nusantara. Masing-masing kabupaten/kota yakin ada harapan peningkatan wisatawan domestik yang berkunjung ke daerahnya, melihat antusias ribuan pengunjung. Kami optimistis banyak pengunjung yang berdatangan ke stan Kota Tanjung Pinang. Tidak hanya warga Jabodetabek, tetapi juga ada dari luar negeri, dari Bosnia, kata Abdul Kadir Ibrahim, Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Tanjung Pinang, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Kadir menjelaskan, salah satu keunggulan Kota Tanjung Pinang adalah sarat dengan sejarah, di mana terdapat banyak sekali situs-situs peninggalan kerajaan Melayu (Riau Lingga) pada kurun waktu 1722-1911. Ketika 200-an tahun lalu Pulau Penyengat menjadi Pusat Kerajaan Melayu, Tanjung Pinang mencapai masa kejayaan sebagai pusat perd...

The Beauty of Papua

The Jakarta Post Publication Date : 24-06-2011 Papuan tribesmen performing a ceremonial dance with drums during the Lake Sentani Festival close to the city of Jayapura, located in Indonesia's eastern Papua province The five-day annual festival is a celebration of Papua's diverse ethnic culture and heritage while at the same time give hommage to Papua's largest pristine lake that is a source of food and livelihood to the population. ROMEO GACAD/AFP With little fanfare, Jayapura Regent Hebel Melkias Suwae is expected to close the five-day Sentani Lake Festival on Thursday. The fourth annual event seems to have only attracted foreign tourists rather than from those from our own soil.

Travel: Indonesia’s ‘hidden paradise’ opens up to intrepid visitors

‘Ethnic tourism’ is taking off in the land of teeming wildlife and a thousand indigenous tribes By Jerome Rivet / AFP, SENTANI, INDONESIA Launched four years ago, the festival brings together thousands of people from 24 communities scattered around the huge lake. To the rhythm of traditional drums, warriors sing haunting tribal songs while dancers, clad in richly colored costumes, sway on boats that glide across the still lake. A student choir sings a song which goes: “I am Papuan, I have dark skin, I have curly hair. Papua, a piece of heaven fallen on the Earth.” Sumber :

Picture Editor's Choice, 23 June 2011

Pic Ed's Choice, 23 June Papuan tribe members riding a ceremonial boat on Lake Sentani during the Lake Sentani Festival close to the city of Jayapura, located in Indonesia's eastern Papua province. Photo by AFP Photo: ROMEO GACAD Sumber :

show off their culture at annual Lake Sentani festival

Romeo Gacad / AFP - Getty Images Papuan tribesmen ride a ceremonial boat during the Lake Sentani festival located in Indonesia's eastern Papua province on June 20. For decades, the only foreign visitors to venture into Papua were gold-diggers, anthropologists, missionaries and soldiers fighting imperial wars. But the vast, western half of New Guinea is slowly opening its doors to tourists as a "hidden paradise", a land of ancient tribal cultures, glittering reefs, soaring glaciers and teeming wildlife. The annual festival brings together thousands of people from 24 communities scattered around the huge lake

Indonesia's 'paradise lost' opens up to intrepid tourists

by Jerome Rivet SENTANI, July 1, 2011 (AFP) - For decades, the only foreign visitors to venture into Papua were gold-diggers, anthropologists, missionaries and soldiers fighting imperial wars. But the vast, western half of New Guinea island is slowly opening its doors to tourists as a "hidden paradise", a land of ancient tribal cultures, glittering reefs, soaring glaciers and teeming wildlife. Recreational travellers are still few, at most a few thousand a year; people like Sarah Gabel, a 29-year-old American who says she is "captivated by people who live in harmony with nature". That's what she found in the Baliem valley, the long-isolated home of the Dani tribe high in the Papuan central highlands, outside the town of Wamena. pic by cheps


Papua merupakan daerah paling timur di Indonesia yang memiliki daratan yang sangat luas yang berada di pulau bagian barat dan sebagian besar (75%) oleh hutan belantara. Bagian tengah wilayah Papua merupakan  kawasan pegunungan Maoke sepanjang 640 km dimana terdapat puncak Jaya dan puncak Mandala yang  merupakan puncak tertinggi di Indonesia, kedua puncak tersebut di tutupi salju abadi. Potensi pariwisata yang di kiliki provinsi ini hampir terlengkap di Indonesia Alam yang dimemiliki  masih asli, budaya yang khas dan unik, minat khusus bahari yang tak kalah menarik dengan daerah lain di Indonesia bahkan mancanegara sekalipun. Semuanya ini belum di sentuh bahkan ditata untuk menjadi obyek dan daya tarik wisata unggulan bagi wisatawan, terutama salju abadi di pegunungan tengah dan taman Nasional Lorentz yang luasnya mencapai 2.505.600 ha. Kawasan ini merupakan kawasan konservasi terluas di Asia tenggara, berada pada  ketinggian 0-4.884 m dan terbesar di 4 kabupaten...